
Do you love Pinterest? Well I have a love hate relationship with it. I adore the craft ideas, the home decor, food ideas, makeup, clothes just about everything! But right now, and for the next couple years, I’ll never come close to having a Pinterest worthy look, food, craft, and definitely not house! I do absolutely love getting clutter ideas or ways to organize the toys and life’s messes. But in my case, every chance I get to clean or organize five minutes later, ok maybe 15, it’s trashed again. Or the other part of the house is trashed. It’s like you’re cleaning one to get to another mess and it never ends. It never ends!

I’m jealous of those who are able to have help to keep it clean, or maybe you work full time so you aren’t home all day, and that helps the mess. But honestly I think everyone can relate, even the amazing clean freaks out there. With kids you just get messy! I had a friend, she was type A, extremely organized and clean. They were ideal minimalists. She did have toys, so she wasn’t too extreme, but when she had her son he was into everything. Constant messes, so she really downsized on toys and stuck to strict times of when they were allowed to play with toys, because they were never just out to play with. She also did as much outdoor things as possible. I admired her, I wanted to have a clean house like that, and as much as I envied it, I also was complete opposite because I had so many toys, all out and about like a daycare. Too many toys! We still have too many toys! No matter how often I organize, there is just too many toys.

When the pandemic came I lost a lot of my drive to get out of the house. It was like I just didn’t want to deal with the issues. And then there was wildfire smoke to keep us in the house as well. But the main reason was I had three kids, the 3rd being a baby, who hated the car and I was tired. Tired of dealing with it. Before my third child was born and before the pandemic we used to always be on the go. My oldest has preschool, swim class, ballet, storytime at the library two times a week and always tried to do park play dates. But after covid all our activities came to a halt. So the mess grew even more. I think because we lost all the old activities I tried to overcompensate with more toys. Always more things to do. While, yes it’s great to have more toys, it’s also more mess and less appreciated other toys.

I attempted the toy cycle. Wonderful idea, highly recommend. Just put out a few at a time. I did try to somewhat incorporate this, but often I am defeated by the mess to organize them and put them away. My husband told me the other day that this was our normal. If I’m going to stay home with the kids and while our 3rd child is still requiring majority of my time, I won’t be able to clean like I want or organize. And for so long I was fighting it, struggling, stressing about the constant mess. And today I finally realized I do just need to accept it. My kids are fed, their happy and we are together. That’s more important than a tidy house. Now obviously I don’t want the rats to come! But I wanted to share this because I’m hoping to give other moms props for one if you’re holding down a clean house and have the energy, you’re amazing! But also I hope to say to those like me, with the constant mess, you’re not alone. It’s ok, this won’t be forever. One day it will be gone and quiet. So enjoy the noise and don’t let the mess get into your head. And if it does focus on what matters , your kids. Your house doesn’t make you a good or a bad mom. One day it will all get done. So I’m waving the white stained flag, mess you’ve won for now! I’ll be back to clean you, but for now I’ve got a screaming toddler who needs to paint right now.


10 (mostly) Cheap Ideas to Enjoy Summer and Avoid Bordom


Picky Eater